September Newsletter

Happy September to you!

I’m dropping by your inbox to say HI and share some Fall updates, news and musings about mindfulness.

  • I have a few openings for in-person/telehealth therapy and Reiki clients. (BCBS/self-pay/sliding scale/find me on Psychology Today here)

  • Jeannette and I are hosting a Reiki Share on Thursday, October 21, 6:30-8:30. What's a reiki share? Essentially, it's an opportunity to practice, receive and experience reiki in supportive, like-minded community. More info to come!

  • I ran a small, weekly mindfulness/meditation group this summer and it was a great success! I am really hoping to run it again….

It was a true honor to run this group. And while I am looking into options to further my meditation training, I don’t think of myself as a meditation teacher. I’m a trauma-informed group facilitator, a sharer of personal experiences and learning, a life long student of meditation and a deep appreciator of the benefits of practicing mindfulness. 

In my humble opinion, the ability to stay in the present moment in non-judgemental way, to be aware of the thoughts, emotions, sensations happening from moment to moment without doing or fixing is powerful. And, to be able to recognize the stories, judgements and stress/trauma responses that show up in response to whatever thought/emotion/sensation is happening is ….well, profoundly life-enhancing. It just helps in relationships, disagreements/conflict, watching/reading the news, whatever comes up in therapy, receiving reiki, driving/road rage….to name a few that may or may not pertain to me and recent experience. ;) Mindfulness helps.

But for many, and for me, getting into a meditative state is not easy. It takes willingness, support and practice. Also, for most, to start with a goal of 30 minutes of “sit quietly without judgement, let your mind settle and don’t think” is unrealistic, triggering, or just not possible so I like to offer the opportunity to try different styles of guided, focused attention practices, or concentration practices and ease into unguided practice. And, group participants are given small journals for weekly reflection, recordings of the guided meditations and have the opportunity to continue to stay connected to group practice through a monthly drop-in class. So, if you or anyone you know has interest, drop me a line!

Thank you for reading.  Please reach out if you have any questions - I look forward to hearing from you.

Take good care,


New Year, New Website, Same Me